March 1st
Pig Day
Since 1972, March 1st is National Pig Day and is dedicated to the celebration of the beloved pig. This holiday is celebrated on March 1st every year in most parts of the Midwest of the United States.
National Pig Day includes events at zoos, schools, nursing homes, and sporting events around the United States. It is also recognized at “pig parties” where pink pig punch and pork delicacies are served, and pink ribbon pigtails are tied around trees in the pigs’ honor.
This holiday’s purpose is to honor a domesticated livestock species that is considered to be one of the most intellectual and important species.

Fun Facts About Pigs
Pigs don’t sweat!
Pigs are incredibly smart
Pigs are one of the cleanest animals around
Mama pigs sing their babies to sleep
Pigs are big on talking
Pigs are practically blind
Pigs have an amazing sense of smell
Pigs are louder than jet engines
Get To
Know Us
Pigs just always seem to be associated with negative things. A dirty room is often likened to a “pigsty”, and when you sweat more than normal, someone would most likely tell you that you’re “sweating like a pig”. However, once you get to know our porcine friends a little bit more, you’ll see that being called a “pig” isn’t too bad after all.